Erin reached out to me in hopes of capturing the high energy of her young family. We spoke about the benefits of an in-home documentary family photography session and what a typical day is like for her family (4 year old son, 2 year old daughter, and two month old daughter). Due to winter illnesses and the time change, we had to reschedule twice before everyone was healthy and well-rested for an early morning session. I arrived just before dawn and the older kids were already awake. They knew I was coming and were eager to show me around the house play with their favorite toys.
Planning for Success
As part of our session prep, Erin and I went over the importance of not bribing or making promises for “fun” that would happen after I left. It’s important for kids to feel free to be themselves during a family documentary session and not worry about posing or playing up for the camera in exchange for a reward. Luckily, Erin was making cinnamon rolls for breakfast along with scrambled eggs and berries, so the kids didn’t need any bribing to participate in making breakfast. She was so brave to let a two and four year old crack eggs!
Session Details
Throughout the session, we kept the conversation light but continuous to help lessen the presence of my camera and keep guards down. The kids finished up breakfast, has a short dance party, and then were ready to kick off the day with a trip to Tucker Ranch (a nearby playground). Their session was 95% documentary, with a quick 5 minute session at the park to get one typical family portrait for them. I always ask my families if this is something they would want and if they prefer that we do it when I first arrive or towards the end of the session.
If you would like to discuss a possible in-home documentary family session, please fill out our contact form and I’ll be in touch to setup a consultation.