What is it?

This photography challenge is a group of assignments perfect for photographers of any skill level. You can use any camera you have to complete them- including your phone! Of course I would love you to try to complete these assignments shooting your subject matter candidly, but if you prefer to direct to complete an image you have in mind, that’s ok too!  Each assignment is inspired by a Disney movie because, why not?

I’ve used screenshots direct from my Creative Photography workbook series where these challenges originate from. If you’re not on my mailing list to receive the free quarterly book, you can send me an email hello@theinspiredstorytellers.com to request to get on the list or click the button below to fill out our contact form. The workbook includes information that is really helpful to completing the assignments, especially if you are new to photography.

I encourage you to share what you create on social media. If you do, please mention us, @theinspiredstorytellers and use the hashtags #TISphotochallenge and #TIS_(challenge name) so I can follow along with you!

Q1 2020: Composition

Photography challenge for rules of photography
photography challenge with movement, macro, and perspective
photography challenge about pattern, line, and movement

Q2 2020: Lighting

creative photography disney themed challenge Q2A
creative photography disney themed challenge Q2B
creative photography disney themed challenge Q2C

Q3 2020: Color

Color Photo Challenge 1
Color Photo Challenge 2
Color Photo Challenge 3

These challenges are also great to do together with your kids. I have other blog articles that might be helpful, if you plan to do it together:

How to Teach Photography to Kids

Photography Tips: Five Rules of Composition

Choosing a Camera for Your Child

How to Take Better Phone Pictures

Get on the List