Three Generations Go to The Magic Kingdom
Linda contacted me a week before their trip to Orlando. They decided this would be the year all three of their boys were ready to experience Disney’s Magic Kingdom and they were going to try to make the most of their day there. Linda wasn’t sure exactly how the day would go, but she wanted to make sure their reactions and first experiences were captured- especially since it was a trip with multiple generations alongside them.
For the five adults, it had be a couple decades since their last trip to Walt Disney World. They enlisted the help of a guide to take them through the park and manage their Fast Passes so they could avoid long lines. They didn’t have a list of MUST rides or even the goal of making it a whole day in the park, they just wanted to enjoy what they could without pushing their kids to the point of exhaustion. I was alongside them from the park’s opening until just after lunch. They managed to get a lot done in that time!